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Peony Snowflakes

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Peony Snowflakes ボタン雪
by Takasawa Keiichi

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Artist: Takasawa Keiichi 高沢圭一
Title: Peony Snowflakes ボタン雪
Date of first edition?circa 1970-1990
Publisher (first edition)?Yuyudo 悠々洞出
Publisher (this edition)?Yuyudo 悠々洞出
Medium (first edition): Woodblock
Medium (this edition): Woodblock
Format (first edition): Double Oban
Format (this edition): Double Oban
DB artwork code: 37470
Notes (first edition)?
Notes (this edition)?
Artist Bio: 
Takasawa Keiichi was born in Gunma prefecture in 1914. In 1936 he dropped out of Nihon University school of technology, and subsequently he studied with Fujita Tsugeharu, who strongly influenced him. In 1937 he joined the Army News Department in Shanghai.
In 1939 he won the Asahi award for one of his paintings. After the war he started making illustrations for women's magazines, and he was the author of A pictorial story of the kimono (1947), and of Women of Japan (1955). He also made woodblock prints, often based on his paintings. In 1974 an 1975 he had two major exhibitions in Paris. In 1977 an important publication on his paintings, Takasawa Keiichi ga shu appeared.
The slender, long necked beauty often appeared in his works was said to be his wife.
たかざわ・けいいち 大正3年群馬県生まれ 日大芸術学科中退 挿絵を描くかたわら現代美人画(油絵)の制作に情熱を注ぎ各地で個展 1974年パリのバンドーム画廊で「花と蝶」と題する個展を開き話題を集める 1975年フランス ル・サロン展で受賞 「婦人公論」の表紙絵を担当する 1976年随筆「画になる女」第一回日本随筆家協会賞受賞

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