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April, cherry blossoms

April, cherry blossoms 四月 さくら
by Hirezaki Eiho

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Artist: Hirezaki Eiho 鰭崎英朋
Title: April, cherry blossoms 四月 さくら
Series: New Ukiyo-e Beauties 新浮世絵美人合
Date of first edition?1924
Publisher (first edition)?Murakami
Publisher (this edition)?Not Set
Medium (first edition): Woodblock
Medium (this edition): Woodblock
Format (first edition): Large Oban
Format (this edition): Large Oban
DB artwork code: 36202
Notes (first edition)?
Artist: Hirezaki Eiho (1881-1968)
Subject: A seated bijin. April, cherry blossoms.
Series: Shin ukiyo-e bijin awase (New ukiyo-e beauties compared).
Signature: Eiho hitsu. Artist seal.
Date: 1924.
Size: Large oban, 44,5x28,5 cm.
Reference: Other examples are illustrated in Amy Newland e Hamanaka Shinji. The female image 20th century prints of Japanese beauties. Leiden 2000, no.126.
Muneshige Narazaki (editor) Ukiyo-e Masterpieces in Western Collections. The Muller Collection. Tokyo, 1990, no.118.
Remarks: This print is from a collaborative series by eleven artists, with twelve feminine portraits each associated with a month of the year. This prints stands as one of the best design in the set.
Notes (this edition)?
The following information was taken from the original web listing of this artwork. Note that there may be some inaccuracies:

Artist: Hirezaki Eiho (1881-1968)

Subject: A seated bijin. April, cherry blossoms.
Series: Shin ukiyo-e bijin awase (New ukiyo-e beauties compared).
Signature: Eiho hitsu. Artist seal.
Date: 1924.
Size: Large oban, 44,5x28,5 cm.
Reference: Other examples are illustrated in Amy Newland e Hamanaka Shinji. The female image 20th century prints of Japanese beauties. Leiden 2000, no.126.
Muneshige Narazaki (editor) Ukiyo-e Masterpieces in Western Collections. The Muller Collection. Tokyo, 1990, no.118.
Remarks: This print is from a collaborative series by eleven artists, with twelve feminine portraits each associated with a month of the year. This prints stands as one of the best design in the set.
Conditions: Fine impression with metallic pigments, fine colour and condition.

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