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Boy, girl, monocrome

Boy, girl, monocrome
by Ikeda Shuzo (b. 1922)

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Artist: Ikeda Shuzo (b. 1922) 池田修三
Title: Boy, girl, monocrome
Date of first edition?Not set
Publisher (first edition)?Not Set
Publisher (this edition)?Not Set
Medium (first edition): Woodblock
Medium (this edition): Woodblock
Format (first edition): Postcard
Format (this edition): Postcard
DB artwork code: 32299
Notes (first edition)?
Notes (this edition)?
The following information was taken from the original web listing of this artwork. Note that there may be some inaccuracies:

Small woodblock print by noted artist Shuzo Ikeda. 4" x 6" on rice paper in vivid black and white. In very good condition.
Listed artist Shuzo Ikeda, born 1922, media woodblock. These two prints represent one of his favorite themes, the small child's enchantment with nature

Artist Bio: 
Shuzo Ikeda was born in 1922 in Akita prefecture. In 1945 he graduated from Tokyo Higher Normal School. After a few years of teaching the artist became a member of Nihon Hanga Kyokai and other Japanese artist associations and turned to woodblock printmaking ('moku hanga') as a full-time artist. Shuzo is known for incorporating the the grain of his blocks into his woodblock print images.
1922 秋田生まれ 1945 東京高等師範学校(現筑波大)芸能化卒 1955 教職を経て上京し、木版画に専念 1957 日本版画協会展出品・受賞 1959 現代版画コンクール展・受賞 1968 ビストイア版画ビエンナーレ展 1977 日本版画協会、退会 独自の活動を始める 1983年 池田修三木版展を酒田で開く。〔主な海外の版画展〕 アメリカ・オルゴン大学展、ニューヨーク・セントジェームス教会展、シカゴ・メンストリートギャラリー展、アメリカ・西北版画展、フィラデルフィア展、シアトル展、百点の日本現代版画アメリカ巡回展、イタリー・花のビエンナーレ展その他、ポーランド、ユーゴ、マニラ、イスラエル、フランス、中国等にて。

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