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Cherry Blossoms at Gotenyama, Spring

Cherry Blossoms at Gotenyama, Spring
by Hiroshige 1 Ando (1797-1858, Utagawa)

The artworks displayed on JAODB are not for sale.

Artist: Hiroshige 1 Ando (1797-1858, Utagawa) 歌川広重
Title: Cherry Blossoms at Gotenyama, Spring
Series: Famous Views of Edo in the 4 Seasons [Chu-tanzaku, Kawaguchiya Shozo, 1834-5] 四季江戸名所
Date of first edition?1834-1835
Publisher (first edition)?Kawaguchiya Uhei
Publisher (this edition)?Kawaguchiya Uhei
Medium (first edition): Woodblock
Medium (this edition): Woodblock
Format (first edition): Mitsugiri
Format (this edition): Mitsugiri
DB artwork code: 43341
Notes (first edition)?
Cherry Blossoms at Gotenyama, Spring
Haru Gotenyama no Hana.

Title: Famous Views of Edo in the Four Seasons
Shiki Koto Meisho
Date: 1834-5
Publisher: Kawaguchiya Shozo
Format: Chu-tanzaku
Number of Prints: 4
Notes (this edition)?

The artworks displayed on JAODB are not for sale.

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Site copyright: Dr Ross F. Walker. Copyright of the displayed artwork: the original owner. The information contained on this website is provided as an educational resource to scholars and collectors of Japanese art. JAODB would like to thank the caretakers of these art items for their contribution to this database. The items displayed here are not being offered for sale. Unless otherwise indicated the displayed item is not in the ownership of JAODB or Ross Walker.