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Bijin Holding Fan

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Bijin Holding Fan
by Ikeda Terukata (1883-1921, Gyokudo)

The artworks displayed on JAODB are not for sale.

Artist: Ikeda Terukata (1883-1921, Gyokudo)
Title: Bijin Holding Fan
Date of first edition?Not set
Publisher (first edition)?Self
Publisher (this edition)?Self
Medium (first edition): Scroll/Makuri roll
Medium (this edition): Scroll/Makuri roll
Format (first edition): Long scroll
Format (this edition): Long scroll
DB artwork code: 42761
Notes (first edition)?
Notes (this edition)?
The following information was taken from the original web listing of this artwork. Note that there may be some inaccuracies:

Thursday, 9 December 2010

池田輝方 風俗美人図 軸装合箱 /清方・年方・玉堂

作者の経歴 1883~1921年。東京出身。日本画家。妻は日本画家・池田蕉園。水野年方、川合玉堂に師事。美人画や風俗画を得意とした。鏑木清方らと共に烏合会を設立。石井林響らと如水会を結成。文展特選。
・商品の説明 布装、肉筆紙本  全寸:縦横 約177×45cm  本紙:縦横 約113.5×29cm
・商品の状態 全体に経年感があって、複数の折れ、多数の染み、数箇所に断裂・虫穴(表装時補修)が見受けられます。箱は経年の状態で、蓋に文字を消したような跡があります。経歴のコピーが添付されています。

The artworks displayed on JAODB are not for sale.

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Site copyright: Dr Ross F. Walker. Copyright of the displayed artwork: the original owner. The information contained on this website is provided as an educational resource to scholars and collectors of Japanese art. JAODB would like to thank the caretakers of these art items for their contribution to this database. The items displayed here are not being offered for sale. Unless otherwise indicated the displayed item is not in the ownership of JAODB or Ross Walker.