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| Artist: | Tokuriki Tomikichiro — 徳力富吉郎 |
| Title: | 5- |
| Series: | Kyoto in Summer |
| Date of first edition?: | Not set |
| Publisher (first edition)?: | Uchida — 内田 |
| Publisher (this edition)?: | Uchida — 内田 |
| Medium (first edition): | Woodblock |
| Medium (this edition): | Woodblock |
| Format (first edition): | Fan
| Format (this edition): | Fan |
| DB artwork code: | 38245 |
| Notes (first edition)?: |
| Notes (this edition)?: |
The following information was taken from the original web listing of this artwork. Note that there may be some inaccuracies:
Monday, 8 August 2005
戦前の扇面の木版画 『徳力富吉郎』 夏の京都 完品全6点
昭和17年4月発行の『徳力富吉郎』の扇面のによる木版画「夏の京都」です。厚手のカバー(タトウ)付きで完品、全6点揃いです。戦前の印刷、発行年のはっきりしたもの、扇面、タトウ付き、完品ということで、今までご満足いただけなかった徳力富吉郎ファンの方には十分にご満足いただけると思います。63年前のもので経年に淡い淡いシミがあるものもございますが、よく観察してわかる程度です。問題ない範疇です。用紙サイズは横46cm、縦36.5cmほど。 |
| Artist Bio: |
TOKURIKI TOMIKICHIRO(1902 - 1999) - Tokuriki was born and raised in Kyotoand was influenced by the local art scene from childhood. He stayed in Kyotofor his entire career and was a leader of the Kyoto Sosaku Hanga. He graduated from the KyotoCity School of Fine Arts and Crafts and after that from the KyotoCity Specialist School of Painting. While he began his career in the painting field, he found his true calling in the woodblock print field and was enthusiastic about the reemergence of woodblock prints in 20th century Japanese art. He was influential in the development of new artists later in his career and set up his own publishing company called Matsukyu.