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Sweetfish in the Stream

Sweetfish in the Stream
by Bakufu Ohno (1888-1976)

The artworks displayed on JAODB are not for sale.

Artist: Bakufu Ohno (1888-1976) 大野麦風
Title: Sweetfish in the Stream
Date of first edition?Not set
Publisher (first edition)?Not Set
Publisher (this edition)?Not Set
Medium (first edition): Woodblock
Medium (this edition): Woodblock
Format (first edition): Shikishi
Format (this edition): Shikishi
DB artwork code: 35876
Notes (first edition)?
Notes (this edition)?
The following information was taken from the original web listing of this artwork. Note that there may be some inaccuracies:

Title Sweetfish in the Stream
Artist Bakufu Ono 1888-1976 - click for artist
Signature Bakufu
Seal artist's seal
Dated early 20th C.
Impression excellent - very good ... printed on a shikishiban cardboard, embossed
Colors very good ... mica sprinkled
Condition good ... light toning, soiled, sufrace damages on the lower area, V-shape stain on the upper left corner, a light crease on the left lower corner
Description Two "ayu" (sweet fish) swim in a stream. Green maple branch on top.
Note Previous owner's remark made in 1932 written in Japanese verso.
Format Shikishiban
Width 9.4 inches = 24.0 cm
Height 10.8 inches = 27.5 cm

Artist Bio: 
Bakufu Ohno (1888-1976) was born in Tokyo. He moved to Kansai after the great Kantou earthquake in 1923. Ohno exhibited oil paintings at Teiten in 1929. He was an honorary member of the Hyogo Prefecture Academy of Fine Arts, and a member of Taiheiyogakai. Ohno produced many landscape and fish prints, including the Great Japanese Fish Picture Collection (Dai Nihon gyorui gashu) in 1940, which was published by Kyoto Hanga-in; blocks were carved by Matsuda and Kikuda, printed by Shinagawa, Nagae, Uchida and Ohno.
大野麥風(1888-1976、本名:要蔵)は、東京で生まれ、初めは長原孝太郎の指導を受け、洋画を学びました。1909年の第3回文部省美術展覧会で画壇に登場してからは、白馬会・太平洋画会・光風会などにも出品したものの、やがて、洋画から日本画に転向し、1919年の第1回帝国美術院展覧会では、日本画で入選しています。 さらに、木版画を手がけるようになった麥風は、1937年に西宮書院(現在の京都版画院)から出版された代表作 『大日本魚類画集』で、原画を担当し、当代一流の文化人の協力を得て、「原色木版二百度手摺り」といわれる色鮮やかな木版画集を生み出しました。会員制度で頒布されたこの500部限定の木版画集は、1944年まで各回12点、6期に分けて断続的に刊行され、麥風は水族館では飽き足らず、和歌浦沖で潜水艇に乗り、魚の生態を観察し、細部にまでこだわった作品を作り上げました。

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Site copyright: Dr Ross F. Walker. Copyright of the displayed artwork: the original owner. The information contained on this website is provided as an educational resource to scholars and collectors of Japanese art. JAODB would like to thank the caretakers of these art items for their contribution to this database. The items displayed here are not being offered for sale. Unless otherwise indicated the displayed item is not in the ownership of JAODB or Ross Walker.