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Full-Moon View of Hinkai Sea

Full-Moon View of Hinkai Sea 品海眺望之圖
by Kokunimasa Utagawa (1874-1944)

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Artist: Kokunimasa Utagawa (1874-1944)
Title: Full-Moon View of Hinkai Sea 品海眺望之圖
Series: Ohmori 8-View Park
Date of first edition?1893
Publisher (first edition)?Not Set
Publisher (this edition)?Not Set
Medium (first edition): Woodblock
Medium (this edition): Woodblock
Format (first edition): Triptych
Format (this edition): Triptych
DB artwork code: 35734
Notes (first edition)?
Notes (this edition)?
The following information was taken from the original web listing of this artwork. Note that there may be some inaccuracies:

Title Looking at the Harbor
Artist Kokunimasa Utagawa 1874-1944 - click for artist
Signature baido Kokunimasa hitsu
Seal artist's seal
Dated 1893
Publisher Morimoto Junzaburo
Technique/Medium Woodblock print
Impression very good … strong woodgrain visible on the left panel, embossed
Colors excellent - very good … mica sprinkled
Condition very good … slight red ink bleeding, (right panel) green ink stains in the middle, a round speck on the middle lower area
Description "Shinakai Chobo no Zu" Ladies are enjoying the tea and looking at the panoramic view of the harbor.
Format 3 Oban tate-e
Width 27.8 inches = 70.5 cm
Height 14.2 inches = 36.0 cm

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