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Yakubu Hot Spring, Iwami Prefecture

Yakubu Hot Spring, Iwami Prefecture 石見有福温泉
by Oda Kazuma (1882-1956)

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Artist: Oda Kazuma (1882-1956) 織田一麿
Title: Yakubu Hot Spring, Iwami Prefecture 石見有福温泉
Date of first edition?1925
Publisher (first edition)?Fusui Gabo
Publisher (this edition)?Fusui Gabo
Medium (first edition): Woodblock
Medium (this edition): Woodblock
Format (first edition): Oban
Format (this edition): Oban
DB artwork code: 34882
Notes (first edition)?
Artist: Oda Kazuma

Date: 1925

Subject: Yakubu Hot Spring, Iwami Prefecture

Publisher: Fusui

Format: Oban design measures 10.5" x 15.5".

作家名: 織田一磨
作品名: 石見有福温泉
制作年: 1925年(大正14年)
限定: 不明
サイズ: イメージサイズ:36.0x24.0cm
Notes (this edition)?
The following information was taken from the original web listing of this artwork. Note that there may be some inaccuracies:

(Japanese 1881-1956)
1925, color woodcut.
14 1/2 x 9 1/2 in.

Artist Bio: 
Many artists of the first half of the 20th century drifted back and forth between the two poles of sôsaku-hanga and shin-hanga. Oda Kazuma was an artist who was able to produce notable works by both means; that is, with a publisher or independently. Born in Tokyo, he studied Western-style painting with Kawamura Kiyoo (1899-1934) and lithography with Kaneko Masajirô. Kazuma worked primarily as a lithographer, but he was also an ukiyo-e enthusiast, publishing two books on the subject. He was a contributor to Hôsun ca. 1909-11, an art magazine co-founded by Ishii Hakutei (1882-1958); a founding member (and only lithographer) of Nihon Sôsaku-Hanga Kyôkai (Creative Print Society) in 1918; Yôfû Hangakai (Western Style Print Society) in 1930; and Nihon Hanga Kyôkai (Japan Print Association) in 1931. And yet, with all his sôsaku-hanga associations, in the 1920's he designed six shin-hanga type woodblock prints published by Watanabe. This print is an example of his self-carved and self-printed works. -- Scholten Gallery

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