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Asakusa Kannon in the Snow

Asakusa Kannon in the Snow
by Kawase Hasui (1883-1957)

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Artist: Kawase Hasui (1883-1957) 川瀬巴水
Title: Asakusa Kannon in the Snow
Date of first edition?1926
Publisher (first edition)?Watanabe 渡辺
Publisher (this edition)?Watanabe 渡辺
Medium (first edition): Woodblock
Medium (this edition): Woodblock
Format (first edition): Not Set
Format (this edition): Not Set
DB artwork code: 33543
Notes (first edition)?
Notes (this edition)?
The following information was taken from the original web listing of this artwork. Note that there may be some inaccuracies:

This is a 9 1/4" x 14 1/4" woodblock print on paper by the Japanese painter and printmaker Kawase Hasui, 1883 - 1957. This image is Asakusa Kannon in the Snow, 1926. Unframed. Fine condition.

Artist Bio: 

川瀬 巴水。1883年(明治16年)5月18日 - 1957年(昭和32年)11月7 日)。大正・昭和期の浮世絵師、版画家。1918年 (大正7年)、風景画家として世に出る。以後、数多くの木版画を発表。 衰退した日本の浮世絵版画を復興すべく吉田博らとともに新しい浮世絵版画の叙情的世界に、自然に肉薄する近代人の視点を導入することにより、独自の世界を展開した。享年74歳。

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Site copyright: Dr Ross F. Walker. Copyright of the displayed artwork: the original owner. The information contained on this website is provided as an educational resource to scholars and collectors of Japanese art. JAODB would like to thank the caretakers of these art items for their contribution to this database. The items displayed here are not being offered for sale. Unless otherwise indicated the displayed item is not in the ownership of JAODB or Ross Walker.